Protect Your YouTube Content

Secure Your Videos

Easily register your YouTube videos to safeguard them against unauthorized uploads and usage. Our system helps you assert ownership, making it simple to resolve any content disputes.

24/7 Video Monitoring

We monitor YouTube around the clock to detect any illegal use of your content. Stay informed with real-time alerts whenever your videos are reused or re-uploaded without your permission.

Quick Takedown Requests

Instantly file DMCA takedown requests for infringing content on YouTube. Let us handle the legal process, ensuring prompt removal of unauthorized copies to protect your creative rights.

Copyright Claims Management

Track and manage all your copyright claims efficiently. Get a comprehensive view of flagged videos and take action swiftly to secure your intellectual property.

Protect Collaborations

Ensure proper credit and protection when collaborating with other YouTube creators. Maintain control over shared content and protect your brand during joint projects.

Content Performance Analysis

Analyze how your videos are performing across different platforms and channels. Monitor usage patterns to ensure your content is being used according to your terms.